Friday, January 20, 2017

Greens Are Good...Or Are They?

We all know veggies are good for us and we should eat at least 5 servings a day, or should we? Last year during a doctor's appt that I scheduled specifically to check my hormone levels the doctor said my thyroid was enlarged. Great information, but he never once asked me what I ate on a regular basis. I'm a hypochondriac. Of course, I scoured the Internets looking for why my thyroid might be enlarged.

FYI I LVE Kale! Like seriously LVE Kale. I also enjoy eating Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables. All of these contain substances called goitrogens.

So what are Goitrogens? Goitrogens are substances (whether in drugs, chemicals, or foods) that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones by interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland. This triggers the pituitary to release TSH, which then promotes the growth of thyroid tissue, eventually leading to goiter.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I typically ate kale for breakfast (egg whites and Kale), lunch (the Kale / Broccoli salad), and dinner (Kale as a cooked side or in more salad).

Does it mean these veggies are not good for you? No, because goitrogens are neutralized (partially) by cooking.

Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables should all be cooked prior to consuming. Having them raw once in a while won’t do you any harm, but juicing or eating these veggies raw several times a week over several months or more can certainly cause thyroid issues.

I still haven't really found a replacement for my egg whites and Kale breakfast, but now mix some Arugula in with it and it is cooked. I no longer eat the Kale / Broccoli salad I was having every day for lunch, I have a spring mix now instead. And I occasionally have a side of cooked Kale with dinner.

Ideas for other veggies to use in my egg whites are welcome!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Clean Eating Protein Bars

Too many protein bars tout to be great sources of protein for grab and go, pre- and/or post- workout nutrition, but most fall extremely short and are just crappy tasting candy bars. Full of so many forms of sugar, under different names and things we can't even pronounce!

Here is my list of cleaner protein bars:

Epic Bar

Epic has several Paleo bars to choose from…beef, chicken, bacon, turkey, wild boar, bison, etc. All are paleo, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and sweetened with fruit. Calories range from 80 calories to 150 calories and the protein ranges from 8g to 15g.

How do they taste…of all the ones I've tried…good, although some are a bit salty for me.

Get them here ß

Exo Bar

They may not be for everyone (they are made using Cricket flour…yes those kind of Crickets!), but that's because we are snobs. According to the eXo website, 80% of the world already eat insects on a regular basis and Cricket flour is 65% protein almost twice as much as beef jerky (33%). They have no gluten, grain, soy, dairy or refined sugar. All of the bars are over 250 calories, so they are basically a meal replacement bar as opposed to a quick hunger fix. All bars are 10g of protein.

How do they taste…surprisingly good.

Get them here ß


The RXBARs are gluten, soy, dairy, and refined sugar-free with very few ingredients, although I'm not a big fan of seeing the ingredient "natural flavors" on a few of their bars. All the bars have 12g of protein and use dates or fruits to sweeten. All the bars are 200 to 210 calories.

How do they taste…of all the ones I've tried…ok. I was really disappointed in these bars. They are so chewy and hard I was afraid I was going to pull a tooth out.

Get them here ß

Caveman Primal Bar

The Primal bars are gluten, soy, dairy, and refined sugar-free with very few ingredients, however, one does have coconut sugar. Unlike the Epic Bar, Caveman only uses chicken for these similar style meat protein bars. However, they do have four different flavor combinations. All of them are 18g of protein the highest among the cleaner bars I've tried and all are around 150 calories.

How do they taste…of all the ones I've tried...good.

Get them here ß

I actually like the Exo Bars the best. I just wish they all had more grams of protein. The quest will continue to find a super clean protein bar with high protein.

What are some of your favorite bars?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Clean Eating - Buying and Eating on a Budget


Turkey Patties
Turkey Breast
Butternut Squash
Mini Sweet Peppers
Broccoli Florets
Cauliflower Florets
Kirkland Organic Eggs - 2 dozen
KerryGold Butter
English Cucumbers
Chicken Breasts
Kirkland Natural Peanut Butter
Spinach - 2.5 lbs
Wholly Guacamole - 100 calorie paks

Sprouts/Mother's Market

Watch for when they go on sale. Some stores don't carry all the bulk items.
Bulk Oatmeal
Bulk Chia Seeds
Bulk Quinoa
Cashew Milk

Trader Joe's

Almond Milk
Raw Cashews
Brown Rice Tortillas
Turkey Meatballs
Cauliflower Rice
Broccoli Rice

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

At-Home Workouts

These are my go to At -Home Workouts

30 seconds - Squat Thrusters
30 seconds - Rest
30 seconds - Squats 30 seconds - Rest
30 seconds - Pushup or Wall Pushups 30 seconds - Rest
30 seconds - Alternating Lunges 30 seconds - Rest
30 seconds - Jump Rope 30 seconds - Rest

Do the whole thing above five times.

Another variation of this that I do is a set number:

10 - Squat Thrusters
10 - Squats
10 - Pushup or Wall Pushups
10 - Alternating Lunges (10 each leg)
30 seconds - Jump Rope
30 seconds - Rest

o the whole thing above five times.

And yet another variation is a pyramid:

First Round
10 - Squat Thruster
10 - Squats
10 - Pushup or Wall Pushups
10 - Alternating Lunges (10 each leg)
30 seconds - Jump Rope
30 seconds - Rest

Second Round
9 - Squat Thrusters
9 - Squats
9 - Pushup or Wall Pushups
9 - Alternating Lunges (9 each leg)
30 seconds - Jump Rope
30 seconds - Rest

Third Round
8 - Squat Thrusters
8 - Squats
8 - Pushup or Wall Pushups
8- Alternating Lunges (9 each leg)
30 seconds - Jump Rope
30 seconds - Rest

And so on until you are doing 1 of each. You can start at any number and work your way down.

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